Sunday Morning Worship
Following the Corona virus outbreak, we are living in unprecedented times. Church leadership has continuously re-evaluated the risks and adjusted our service/events as need be.
We no longer require masks or social distancing, but you are welcome to take whatever precautions you need to feel comfortable. We want everyone to feel safe in worshipping with us! We will continue to work to balance health concerns with the need to come together as a community both to worship God and comfort each other.
Our Nutrition Center continues to serve "to-go" boxed lunches, working closely with the Monroe County Health Department to serve those in need in the safest way possible for both our guests and our volunteers.
Please remember that, like you, Salem still has financial obligations to meet during this time. If you are able, please mail in your pledge or donate online. We have temporarily moved our "donate" button to our main web page to make it easier to find.
Our service is traditional with some contemporary aspects. The vitality of our worship reflects our understanding that we worship the God who prevails.
Each week, our pastor preaches a sermon which is bibically based, sensitive to the original context of the scripture lesson and related to contemprary living. We understand that our faith is a treasure handed down from those who have gone before us. We also understand that the best of our tradition is God's redeeming power among us, in the present and the future. "Behold, I am doing a new thing" God, through Isaiah tells us of His intention for His people.
Children in Worship: We welcome children in worship (as we think all churches should!) and encourage them to be involved when possible. Each week, our children signal the start of worship by ringing our church bell. About 10 minutes into worship they share in a "Time with Our Young People" led by our pastor or other youth leader. After such time they may join their peers in Sunday School, or remain in service with their family. On the first Sunday of each month our Junior Deacons collect the offering and bring in the elements for Holy Communion.